
Oppiva Invest releases various studies and reports, either independently or in collaboration with other organisations. On this page you will find a compilation of Oppiva Invest’s publications.

Information for collaboration between companies and VET operators

Sharing educational content in Finland – keys to new cooperation

To develop learning and competence, a culture of sharing and uniform operating methods are needed. The report commissioned by Oppiva Invest on the sharing of educational content describes the current situation, highlights key areas of development and lays the groundwork for creating effective sharing channels and practices.

Digital and technological solutions to aid the development of basic skills

What technologies support the learning
of basic skills? What are the needs for new learning solutions
to support basic skills? The survey is based on a questionnaire that was answered by three hundred
VET teachers and instructors in preparatory education for an upper secondary qualification.

Opetusteknologiaa hankkimassa – näkökulmia valintaan ja käyttöönottoon

Mitkä tekijät vaikuttavat opetusteknologioiden valintaan ja käyttöönottoon ammatillisessa koulutuksessa? Miten onnistua tarjoamaan ratkaisua koulutuksen järjestäjälle?

Kaikki vailla kehittäjäkumppaneita – Oppiva Invest Oy:n vaikuttavuus- ja ekosysteemityö

Millainen rooli kasvuyrityksillä voi olla ammatillisen koulutuksen kehittämisessä? Raportti on tarkoitettu koulutuksen järjestäjien, koulutuksen sidosryhmien ja alan kasvuyritysten yhteiskehittämisen pohjaksi ja keskustelujen avaukseksi.

Vocational education and training in Finland: market information for companies

How do education providers finance and acquire educational technology? Did you know that there are more adults than young people in vocational education and training in Finland? How do companies succeed in working with a VET provider?

Operations reviews

Impact review 2023 – Relevant knowledge to working life through cooperation

The companies financed by Oppiva Invest have succeeded in bringing solutions to vocational training that serve students, teachers and the management of educational institutions.

Operations review 2022: Strength from partnerships and the success of companies

Despite the difficulties faced by companies in the education sector in recent years, in 2022 we at Oppiva Invest had the privilege of witnessing remarkable successes among our businesses.

Operations review 2021

Funding, information and networks for companies providing innovative learning solutions for vocational competence.

Want to collaborate?
Contact us

Reetta Paloheimo

Reetta Paloheimo

Development Manager, market analyses

Tel. 045 114 9657

Contact us when you want information about vocational education and training, the development of teachers’ day-to-day work and the potential of technology in vocational education and training.

Sanja Mursu

Sanja Mursu

Corporate Relations Manager

Tel. 040 515 9978

I’m happy to help with any matters related to vocational education and training. I share information about vocational education and training and assist companies in networking with both the business community and other VET providers.